BBoy North

This website was started on WordPress as a way to consolidate information about the Canadian breaking scene in one online source. The project has since shifted to different priorities. Click here to…

Proof.It Rentals

Proof.It Rentals was one of a number of new start-ups catering to rental housing market inefficiencies. Proof.It sought to be the premier source for rental housing information and ratings, expanding into more…

What I learned from trying to do 1000 push ups

Today, my body feels really sore. Specifically, my pectoralis and my abdominals. It’s been a while since I last felt so sore, and all because of this obnoxious brown guy named Ramit Sethi. I recently signed up for his email course on how to 20x my potential. He was talking about Navy Seal training and how intense it was. Jokingly I thought to myself, I can do about 40-60 push ups in one go, is he going to make me 800-1200 push ups then? Lo and behold, the first day’s challenge was to do 1000 push ups and to hold a 21 minute plank. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that surprised. I half-expected it. I knew about some high school kid in Scarborough who regularly did that many push ups in a day. So, naturally, I just tried it.

Osaka, Tokyo, and Hakodate

While in Kyoto, I had a three hour trip to Osaka, where I happened to meet some bgirls practicing at OCAT station! We had takoyaki and went to DuckTail before finally leaving for Tokyo. There, I visited the Studio Ghibli Museum, and had the most delicious shabu shabu and sukiyaki. I was there for the day before heading on to Sendai for an evening, which was an adventure as well! I arrived and actually hadn’t booked anything in advance, and I hoped there would be something nearby.