From Kumamoto To Hiroshima

I visited Kumamoto for a couple days, then went to Hiroshima.

I was only in the city of Kumamoto for a short while, and it felt like a small city, but in Japanese fashion still somewhat dense. It was easy to walk to most places, with the local trains being much simpler than the complex labyrinth that the Tokyo system is. I had the opportunity to experience more of the countryside while I was here, and I am grateful for my hosts’ hospitality. It was a stark contrast to Tokyo’s concrete mayhem.

Hiroshima was the next stop, and it had a similar small-dense-town vibe; it somewhat reminded me of Ottawa, with there being several prominent landmarks in a compact downtown area. I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the city, as well as the nearby island. It was strange walking through it though knowing that it was once reduced to rubble by an atom bomb. The blown-out remains of a building that somehow managed to stay standing was an eerie and painful reminder of that day.

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